Friday, October 10, 2008

Gearing up for the Holidays

Now that my baby's wedding is over, I'm starting to sort throught the photo mess on my hands. Our photographer gave me a box full of CD's to look at and I need to photoshop everything. It's an awesome task. Luckily my son's girlfriend Katie took this video of the couple singing at the wedding. Unfortunately we don't have the entire song, but at least we have something to remember this VERY special moment. We didn't have a videographer for the wedding. The kids did a great job planning the wedding. I really had it pretty easy. It was until the week leading up to the wedding that things got a little crazy with all my family coming home. It was so awesome having my children and grandchildren here. It gave me a break to concentrate on something besides my business.

Starting with my show next week in Aurora, I will be in the midst of the holiday season. I am doing 4 shows with another one possibly in Dec. There's been so many things happening this summer that I feel like I am finally getting back to some normalcy. Now I'm getting back into my work. I just had new business cards made that include my etsy site. I had a little help with my logo from my son who is an animator in L.A. (working on a film for Universal Studios right now). I really like the look of my new cards.

I'm mounting my new pieces and I've learned how to make a sliding knot with my satin cord. I'm just not sure it's suitable for everyone. So I'm going to only make the knot on a few pieces and see how people like them. Let me know if you have any feelings about the knots!

2 comments: said...

Wow! She looks exactly like her mama! You should be very proud of them both!

ChezChani said...

Your stuff is amazing. I have never seen anything like it. I'd love to see a blog where you explain how you got into this.